Meet the Team

Senior Pastor Gershom Saayman
Director & I.T. OperationsMy wife and I were licensed for Ministry through Revival Ministries International Ministerial Association. We pursued the call and God anointed us to fulfill it. We are passionate about souls and whatever moves the heart of God. We are just willing vessels for Him to work through. We love God and we love people and we are here to serve in whatever capacity the Lord wants us to. Part of my role is to also identify and bring forth technology infrastructure and solutions to propel the Church forward in the digital space. I was previously an IT Operations Manager and have wealth of experience in this regard. I bring all I have to the team.

Pastor Michelle Saayman
Director & Finance ManagerWhen God called my husband and I, we laid down our lives here in South Africa leaving behind our family, friends and everything we owned in SA. I resigned from a 15 year career in finance. We received a 3 Year Scholarship from the River University in Tampa, USA where we graduated with our Bachelors in Ministry. I love to share the gospel because it is the power of God unto salvation. I want others to know their identity and understand the authority they have in Christ to live a victorious life and to be the best version of themselves.

Associate Pastor Percy Saayman
DirectorPastor Percy has been operating in this office as an Elder for the last 10 years. He is a selfless man always putting the needs of others above his own. He has a servant’s heart and loves the Lord with all his might. The fruit of his life speaks volumes and reflects the faithfulness of God.

Theresa Saayman
Minister & AdministratorThey say behind every successful man is a powerful woman, this is the diamond to Pastor Percy. She is soft and gentle. A woman after God’s heart. She is a Proverbs 31 woman. Graceful in all her ways. She is lovable and kind, very rare to find. She is the backbone that supports the family. She is a blessing to everyone who know her. .

Claressa Saayman
Hospitality ManagerI look forward to welcoming and serving you because it is what I was born to do. It is my absolute pleasure to help you!

Matthew Saayman
Youth Leader & Media DirectorPastor Allen Hawes from The River Tampa Bay, prophesied that Matthew will be a youth leader in South Africa. Matthew is fulfilling the call of God and want to encourage other young people to do the same. If you are between the ages of 13 – 19 please reach out to us because we would like to invite you to be part of our dynamic Youth.

Micah Saayman
Children’s MinisterChildren are precious gifts from God and I am honored to work alongside kids God has entrusted me with as they grow in the Lord and become all that God has purposed for them.